A Protocol for Basic Training Program for Entry-Level Professional Staff was Signed between MCBUSEM and ŞÖNİM

Date: Mar 27 2024 3:01PM
Update: Apr 16 2024 3:03PM

Manisa Celal Bayar University Continuing Education Application and Research Center (MCBUSEM) and Manisa Directorate of Family and Social Services Violence Prevention and Monitoring Center (ŞÖNİM) signed a cooperation protocol. Within the scope of the protocol, a "Basic Training Program for Entry-Level" will be organized for ŞÖNİM professional staff.

The protocol was signed by the Rector of Manisa Celal Bayar University, Prof. Dr. Rana Kibar, and the Director of Manisa Directorate of Family and Social Services, Mustafa Kılıç, accompanied by a delegation. With the protocol, a specially prepared training program will be initiated for ŞÖNİM professional staff.

The "Basic Training Program for Entry-Level" to be organized within the scope of the protocol aims to improve the professional skills of ŞÖNİM professional staff. The training program will provide basic knowledge and skills to professionals who want to specialize in combating and preventing violence.

Mustafa Kılıç, the Director of Manisa Directorate of Family and Social Services, stated in his speech, "We attach great importance to cooperation with all institutions and organizations in combating domestic violence. This protocol we have signed with MCBUSEM will make a significant contribution to our efforts in this field," expressing their satisfaction with the cooperation protocol.

Rector Kibar, after the protocol signing ceremony, stated, "As it is known, violence is one of the most important social problems of our day. This problem, which occurs within families, in society, and in every area, adversely affects not only individuals but the entire society. Therefore, it is of great importance for all stakeholders to work together in combating violence.

"As Manisa Celal Bayar University, we are aware of our responsibility to prevent violence and support those who are exposed to violence. In this context, with the protocol signed between MCBUSEM and ŞÖNİM, we have taken an important step. We believe that with this collaboration, we can work more effectively in combating violence. On this occasion, I wish the protocol to be beneficial and express my thanks to everyone involved," he added.

The protocol signing ceremony was attended by Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Çetin, Secretary General Instructor Erhan Doğan, and MCBUSEM Director Dr. Instructor Cenk Yoldaş.

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