Support Visit by Rector Kibar to the Faculty of Fine Arts, Design, and Architecture Before the Music Department's Special Talent Exam

Date: Aug 26 2024 11:56AM
Update: Aug 26 2024 12:09PM

Rector Prof. Dr. Rana Kibar visited the Faculty of Fine Arts, Design, and Architecture before the special talent exam for the Music Department.

Rector Kibar met with the faculty dean and teaching staff to gather information about the exam process. Emphasizing the importance of art education for universities, Rector Kibar stated, "Our Faculty of Fine Arts, Design, and Architecture is dedicated to equipping students not only in the field of art but also with skills that contribute to the cultural richness of society. This exam, which aims to bring talented students to the Music Department, is of great importance for the future of our faculty."

Sharing in the excitement of the students by talking to them before the exam, Rector Kibar said, “This exam is not just an opportunity to showcase your talents; it could also mark the beginning of a new chapter in your life. I wish you all success.”

A total of 138 candidates aspiring to study in the Music Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Design, and Architecture at Manisa Celal Bayar University will compete in the special talent exam.

The Music Department Special Talent Exam, chaired by Associate Professor Dr. Nihat Ozan Köroğlu and overseen by the Music Department faculty members, will be conducted in two stages. The exam will assess the candidates' auditory and musical performance skills.

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