Barrier-Free Informatics Awards 2024

Date: Jul 23 2024 1:56PM
Update Date: Jul 24 2024 8:46AM
Turkey Barrier-Free Informatics Platform, of which Manisa Celal Bayar University is the secretariat, will give Barrier-Free Informatics Awards to successful informatics services carried out for the disabled in Turkey. The Award Ceremony will be held on September 25, 2024 at the opening of BİLTEVT'2024: “Universal Design in Information Technologies” INTERNATIONAL DISABILITY-FREE IT 2024 CONGRESS, which will be hosted by Manisa Celal Bayar University in Manisa.
Everyone will be able to apply or nominate for the Barrier-Free Informatics Awards in the relevant category between August 1 - 30, 2024 via the web page. The nominated institutions or services will be evaluated by the jury members and the institutions or services that are deemed worthy of the award in each category will be determined.
The institution or service to be nominated, by utilizing information technology and services, will be able to improve the social and economic lives of disabled individuals:
* Social and economic life,
* To benefit from public institution services,
* Trainings,
* Access to information
direct or indirect contribution and the implementation of these services will be required.
For detailed information and application:

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