Poland Krakow Congress, CEAD, July 8-10, 2024 - Europe Tour July 4-17, 2024

Date: Apr 15 2024 2:08PM
Update Date: Jun 5 2024 10:56AM

The 8th International Congress on Contemporary Educational Research, in collaboration with Jagiellonian University Institute of European Studies and Contemporary Educational Research Association (CEAD-Mugla), will be held in Krakow, the historical capital of Poland, from July 8th to 10th, 2024. The congress will take place at Jagiellonian University, one of the oldest universities in Europe and Poland, founded in 1364 by King Casimir III the Great in Krakow, the former capital city located in the south of Poland. Jagiellonian University ranks among the oldest 3-4 recognized universities in Europe based on its founding date. Additionally, being ranked as the top university in Poland according to THE-QS World University Rankings, Jagiellonian University is also positioned in the forefront in the World University Academic Rankings.

The main theme of this 8th congress is "Education, Science, Art, and Society in the 21st Century: Innovative Approaches and Competencies."

All congresses organized by the Contemporary Educational Research Association (CEAD) in collaboration with universities have been international, multicultural, and interdisciplinary congresses in the field of education. Participants have always expressed their satisfaction with the international exchange of views and academic discussions, stating their willingness to attend the next congress.

Papers presented as oral presentations at the congress will be published either as full-text papers in a book or as chapters in an independent international book titled "Education, Science, Art, and Society in the 21st Century: Innovative Approaches and Competencies," depending on the peer review process and the authors' preferences. They will also be published as articles in journals affiliated with the congress.

The languages ??of presentation at the congress are Polish, Turkish, Ukrainian, German, English, French, and Russian.

Congress Schedule:

Start of Abstract Submission: February 1, 2024

Deadline for Abstract Submission: May 31, 2024

Notification of Abstract Acceptance: February 20 - June 10, 2024

Start of Registration: February 1, 2024

Late Registration Starts: May 15, 2024

Announcement of Congress Program: June 15, 2024

Congress Start Date: July 8, 2024

Congress End Date: July 10, 2024

A European tour for Scientists and Educators who attend the congress and request it will also be organized (July 4-17, 2024). Scientists and Educators who wish to participate in the tour can register independently of the congress. Those interested can also include their children, close friends, and valuable relatives in the tour. You can register for the tour by paying a €150 deposit. The total cost of the tour is €1400 (11 nights in 3-4 star hotels). Everything needed will be arranged by AVRUPA MASALI company.

For all details and information regarding the congress and the tour, visit http://www.ceadder.org.

For all inquiries, please contact ceadmugla@gmail.com.

You can also contact the European Tour coordinator at 0535 286 6285.

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