MCBÜ Earned the Right to Use the Turkey Qualifications Framework Logo

Date: Jun 27 2024 2:56PM
Update: Jul 1 2024 11:22AM

Manisa Celal Bayar University Achieves Significant Milestone by Earning the Right to Use the Turkey Qualifications Framework (TQF) Logo

Programs bearing the TQF Logo will be featured for the first time in this year's Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide. In this context, MCBÜ will use the TQF Logo in the 2024 Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide.

Since December 23, 2021, the Higher Education Council has granted the right to use the TQF Logo on graduation certificates to higher education programs that meet the necessary requirements, as part of efforts to align with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

For the TQF Logo to be used on higher education graduation certificates, the relevant program must first be accredited by an accreditation agency authorized or recognized by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK), the program's qualification form must comply with the relevant qualification type identifier, and the qualification must be included in the Turkey Qualifications Database managed by the Vocational Qualifications Authority (MYK).

Having the TQF Logo on a graduation certificate provides several international advantages for higher education graduates. Diplomas from programs with this logo are recognized more quickly abroad, and employment opportunities are enhanced.

The departments at MCBÜ that will use the TQF Logo in the 2024 Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide are: “Biology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Evening Education), Nursing, Chemistry, Guidance and Psychological Counseling, and Medical Degree.”

Furthermore, the TQF Logo facilitates the mutual recognition of higher education internship qualifications and the achievements of study periods spent abroad, making horizontal and vertical student mobility easier.

By using the TQF Logo, MCBÜ aims to enhance the quality and recognition of the educational programs it offers to its students. This logo will also help ensure that the diplomas and qualification certificates of the university's graduates are more widely accepted.

Rector Prof. Dr. Rana Kibar commented on this achievement, stating, “Earning the right to use the TQF Logo is a testament to the acceptance of our university's education quality and standards at both national and international levels. It will illuminate our university’s future successes. I thank all our academic and administrative staff who contributed to this achievement.”

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