Officials from the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology visited Rector Prof. Dr. Rana Kibar and conducted inspections at MCBÜ TEKNOKENT

Date: Jun 27 2024 2:24PM
Update: Jul 1 2024 11:24AM

The General Director of R&D Incentives at the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology, Muhammet Bilal Macit, the Head of the Technology Development Zones Department, İbrahim Karabulut, and the Head of the R&D and Design Centers Department, Alper Kahramanca, visited Rector Prof. Dr. Rana Kibar.

During the visit, where new projects and joint efforts to strengthen industry-university collaboration were discussed, Rector Prof. Dr. Rana Kibar provided the ministry officials with information about the university's work and projects in technology and innovation.

The ministry officials inspected the contributions of MCBÜ TEKNOKENT to the entrepreneurial ecosystem and received information about the projects of the firms operating within TEKNOKENT.

Rector Prof. Dr. Rana Kibar thanked the officials from the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology for their visit and expressed their commitment to continuing collaborative efforts.

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